This is a spoiler free review for the newest Star Wars television show, The Mandalorian, only on Disney+. These are my first impressions of the first two episodes.

Far, Far Away

Disney+ has kicked off their streaming service with it’s first, original show for the platform, The Mandalorian. And what a show to begin with. The Mandalorian centers around a bounty hunter, who is known for being one of the best in the Galaxy. He’s tired of the smaller jobs he’s been getting, so he opts for a much larger job. A dangerous job. A job that may be his toughest yet. 

The Force is Strong

To avoid major spoilers, I want to focus on the quality of this show. This show watches like a Star Wars film. It FEELS like Star Wars when you’re watching it. There’s many filmmaking choices that are ripped straight from the original films. Such as using puppetry and models over CGI. They use the traditional screen-wipes to transition scenes. This is my favorite callback to the original trilogy. I will say, the colors are a little dull, but some of the shots will still capture my attention. 

Final Thoughts

We’ve only experienced the first two episodes of this series, and I’m already really enjoying it. I’m not completely sold, but I’m along for the ride. My reservations are the same with any new Star Wars content. It seems like Disney is afraid to talk about the Force. About Jedi and Sith. So we get shows and movies skirting around the Star Wars cannon by not really talking about what makes Star Wars Star Wars!
You can catch The Mandalorian streaming now on Disney+.


Sean Smith

Student Author - Fall 2019

Sean Smith is a student at Gulf Coast State College. He’s obsessed with film to the point of blurring the realities between it and real life. When he’s not rewatching The Office to see if Pam is the TRUE villain of the series, he’s working full-time and doing homework (like this). FADE OUT TO BLACK