Taken from the DevolverDigital official Youtube channel.

Fall guys, one of the biggest gaming hits with college students of 2020 has just released its much anticipated second season with new courses to play and costumes to wear.

New Courses

Anyone who plays games would say the gameplay is the most important aspect of any video game. Especially to one that revels in its chaotic, party game styled theme. The people at Devolver Digital seem to agree. And with this new announcement they’ve added 4 extra courses to play initially with more promised to be on the way.

Knight Fever

Taken from Gfinityesports.com

The first new course. Where you’ll be facing all sorts of new obstacles as you fight for the finish line. Including swinging blades, beams covered in metal studs designed to throw you off, and trying to avoid giant spiked pins that are rolling around on a platform officially named ‘Thicc Bonkus’

Wall Guys

Taken from twitter.com/pcgamer

The next original course in the new lineup. Another obstacle race, this time you and other players will need to build steps from pieces found around the level to ascend to the next section. No doubt sabotage and collusion is going to be the drawing factor of this mode.

Egg Siege

Taken from thetimesofesports.com

Not an entirely new mode, it’s actually a jumbled-up version of season one’s Egg Scramble. With new obstacles in the mix, like drawbridges that move and threaten to throw you, and your precious egg off the map on your journey back to your nest.

Hoopsie Legends

Taken from pushsquare.com

Again a new updated look on an original game mode, Hoopsie Daisy. With newly added push-able blocks to assist in jumping through high flying hoops. It was said by the developers to be a solo game mode, but it’s also been shown to be a team game. Time will tell if you’ll need to take on this challenge alone or with other jellybeans.


Taken from store.playstation.com

With the maps, new medieval-themed outfits have arrived to help you look fit with the Crown on your head. The free progression through episodes can net you up to 40 different items. Plus, the shop will be regularly updated with new things to get. With all these new costumes you may have too many things you want to wear and can’t choose. So the new random customization is here to help, giving you an erratic combination of any of the outfits in your wardrobe.


Logan Libby

Student Author - Fall 2020