People have been listening to music since the day they are born. Music can not only be used to party but can be used to your advantage in college as well. Here are 4 ways how you can use music in college effectively, become a better student, and get better grades.

Using music as a Learning Aid can help you remember college material better 

         An example of this can be when you say your ABCs. I bet you start singing them every time you say them. Just like you learned your ABCs, making a song about your college material can help your brain have an easier time remembering it. Professors across the world will sometimes associate music with lessons to make them more memorable for their students. Now that we have so many apps at our disposal making music from college material doesn’t seem as impossible.   

Use music to retain college information  

         We have all heard a song that gets us pumped and makes us want to get up and do things. So why not use that same song to do something academic instead. Picking the right genre of songs is very important according to scientists. Instead of a fast song, scientists recommend listening to classical, acoustic, and ambient music to help your brain retain information better. Multiple educators across the globe use these types of music genres to increase the pace at which their students learn. Not only does music help you learn faster but it can help you retain information for longer periods.

Use music to calm your nerves before an exam to perform at your best 

         College students know how tough exams are but what if I can give you a tip to perform better. Next time before an exam, listen to music to calm your nerves. According to studies, music is a great tool that can help you improve your cognitive functions. It can also give you that boost of confidence that you need before taking an exam. Remaining calm through any challenge college throws at you is a thing we all need to learn how to do. Listening to your favorite song cannot only keep you calm while taking an exam, but it can help you get a better grade.    

Create a playlist with music that will help you focus and learn   

        This can be a very tricky thing to get right because as music fanatics we want to listen to every song that comes out. Picking the right type of music genre to listen to while studying is very important. Creating a playlist with music that does not contain lyrics is important to have because it will keep you from getting distracted. College students must also make sure to put a timer every 40-50 minutes to take breaks. During breaks, students can listen to whatever they want but must make sure to play their playlist while studying. Next time you have an exam use music to your advantage in college to learn better and get a better grade.  


Angel Padilla

Student Author - Spring 2021