Image by Rafael Javier from Pixabay

It is no secret that video gaming is an extremely popular pastime activity amongst college students. In fact, the Pew Research Center published a study on this very subject in 2003. PRC concluded that of the sample size that was surveyed, “Seventy percent (70%) of college students reported playing video, computer or online games at least once in a while.” While this study is now 17 years old, video gaming is certainly just as popular. According to the Entertainment Software Association, in 2020, “more than 214 million people in the United States today play video games one hour or more per week.”

But what video games are the most popular amongst college students, and why? A week before this article was published, I conducted a survey on a group of fifteen Digital Media majors to find out what their all-time favorite video games were. The groups’ ages ranged from 18 to 30, all having experience playing video games of some kind. Only one individual reported they rarely played video games after becoming a college student. About 53.3% of the sample size reported that they play PC, or computer-based, video games the most, while 46.7% played mobile games the least.

Image by Maggie Spring from Commodore Waves

Screenshot of the survey’s graphs created by Maggie Spring. 

The sample of college students were then asked to list their top five favorite video games of all time. Of these favorites, the five most popular answers were Pokémon (series), Minecraft, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Legend of Zelda (series), and The Last of Us. Other frequently answered favorites were Call of Duty, League of Legends, Stardew Valley, and the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim; however, these titles only came up twice each as opposed to three or more times.

Here were various responses given to the question, “Why are these video games your favorite?”

“Minecraft really gives you the power for extreme creativity. You mold it to the way you want to play.”

“In most of these (video games), I can choose what I want or how I want to play.”

“Animal Crossing is great for relaxing and doing mindless work.”

“These games always add something new which is why I feel like I stuck with them the most.”

Based on these statements, college students’ favorite video games are fun to play, and they give the player the ability to make their own choices during gameplay. Those video games’ story and characters also stood out to them the most. The students were then asked what they look for in a perfect video game. Most stated that it must have a well-written and engaging story, great re-playability, is flexible during gameplay, or is open world. When sample group asked why they play video games, most reported it is to take breaks from real life stress. Overall, video games appear to have positive effects on their day-to-day lives. Of all the upcoming video game releases that the college students are looking forward to, the most popular are Pokémon: Legends Arceus and Monster Hunter: Rise.


Maggie Spring

Student Author - Spring 2021