The pros of social media in a students life

By: Jonah Wirrick


Throughout the past few years, social media has seen an incredible rise in popularity. What started out as somewhat niche websites such as Myspace or Facebook has now morphed into an everyday task for most people. With over 1 billion Instagram users and over 238 million people on Snapchat, it’s clear that social media has completely changed the way that we view the world and the way that we tend to go about our lives.


The use of social media has become a normal, everyday occurrence in many people’s lives. So many people around the world check their social media accounts as soon as they wake up in the morning. While social media can be associated with many “bad” things, it’s not all bad. There are quite a few pros to living in a day and age where it’s odd to not have any social media.


One of the best things that social media allows for people around the globe is right there in the phrase. It’s all about being social. People are able to keep up with friends and family around the globe just by posting about their life, or reacting to someone else’s post. This is something that used to be incredibly difficult to do. While you used to have to send a letter or go out of your way to visit someone, these days you can simply reply to a post of theirs and be able to talk to them. It may not replace seeing someone in person, but it certainly helps people to stay in touch. 


On top of maintaining contact with friends and family around the globe, social media also allows us to meet new people that we probably wouldn’t have been able to meet otherwise. A very large number of people have friends that they only talk to through social media sites such as Twitter or Snapchat. Social media allows us to engage with people from different backgrounds and communities than our own. That in turn helps us to break out of what we know and to expand our understanding of the world.


The biggest thing that social media does is allow us to understand our world better. Through communicating with so many different people from various walks of life, various viewpoints, and different places in the world, we get a much deeper understanding and appreciation for the world that we live in. Social media allows us to learn so much about the people that we might never come to meet in real life or the places that we may never get to visit. However, social media also teaches us a lot about ourselves.


In a world where social media is so heavily imprinted into our lives where we have films made surrounding its use, people whose jobs it is to run a companies social media accounts, and our immediate recognition of a social media website based purely on its icon, it’s no secret that pretty much every student will at one point or another use social media. But there are so many good things about social media that that’s hardly an issue.



Jonah Wirrick

Student Author - Fall 2020