Making friends is one thing, but keeping them is a different beast in and of itself.

ahnaf_sakil/ pixabay

“Oh great, something else to worry about.”

Now don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it may sound. The closer you are with someone the more difficult it is to lose them. 

School can make your life busy and hectic, and there’s an added layer of business if you also have a job. All these responsibilities can keep you from your friends. It’s good to make time for them, especially in the times of a pandemic. 

“Something is different, the friendship doesn’t feel the same as it used to.”

This is natural. As people grow and develop, change occurs. Everyone is going through change during college, and this change may be noticeable after graduation. 

It’s okay if you’ve noticed that you’ve grown apart. There may not be a chance to rekindle your friendship. It’s normal for things like this to happen. It’s okay to be sad over this. The most you can do is just be happy you had those moments with that person when you had the chance.

“What if I haven’t talked to a friend in a long time?”

If it’s been a while since you’ve talked to one of your friends, don’t be afraid to message them. Ask them how they’re doing, or how life has been for them so far. If they really are your friend, they would love to hear from you. 

This can be hard, especially after you graduate. It’s normal for you and your college friends to drift apart after graduation. Thanks to the internet, however, you can keep in touch with anyone no matter how far away they may be. 

“Reading that was depressing.”

Don’t be too sad. Even though you may lose some friends after college, you still have plenty of opportunities to make new ones. There are possibilities for friends in all places. All you have to do is take what you’ve learned so far, add a bit of confidence, and you’ll make more than enough friends.


JillWellington/ pixabay

About the Author

Cera Lawrence

Student Author - Fall 2020