This new DLC, The War Machine, is Call of Duties second DLC to come out of the typical four they have throughout the year. Not only is this Call of Duty DLC bringing 4 new multiplayer maps and a new zombie campaign but it is also fixing many bugs. They are also redoing the way the classes work and now have unlimited sprint for all characters. With the unlimited sprint, Activision wanted to balance out the classes. So for each class specialist, they removed one of their features and made it as an attachment for the gun specific perks. So, for example, you can now have a suppressor on any SMG’s while using it on a different class. Personally, I feel like this is a huge advantage to a player like myself who likes to stack different perks with others. For other, they may be at a huge disadvantage as those perks now come at the price of a weapons attachment slot.

The first map that the majority of the player base has been really excited for is the map Egypt. This map is the second Call of Duty map to be featured in Egypt. The first map was in Ghosts and many loved the map even though the game didn’t do too well as a whole. This new map is considered to be a large map and has numerous choke points and lanes. The detail of the map is very well done and it really makes you feel like you’re in a desert.

The second map V2 is a very interesting map that reminds me a lot of the infamous map Rust. The center is a pure death zone and includes a cool feature where when you push a button it ignites the V2 rockets to kill anyone down below. Even though the developers put a lot of thought into this feature, it is kind of dumb and won’t be used often as it also kills team members and you don’t get any points from killing enemies with the rockets. The outskirts of the map are where the majority of the firefights happen as it is really hard to cover all angles at the center of the map. This map is very claustrophobic and needs some work on the respawn areas.

The third map Dunkirk is one of my favorite maps throughout all of the DLC. It also can be one of the most challenging maps as it has large open spaces without any cover for the majority of the map. This map was made specifically for snipers and it does a good job for this intent. Most people who are run and gunners will hate this map. The only parts of the map with close quarters are on the right side of the map with two building close to each other. This map really reminds me of the fan favorite map Bog from Modern Warfare. The details on the map are decent and I love the shoreline with mixed debris and a crashed boat. My only concern is the very predictable respawn locations which can make it really hard to come back in game modes like domination.

The fourth map is exclusive to the game mode War reminds me a lot of the map dorado from Overwatch. In this new war game mode called Operation Husky, it introduces a decent amount of new things to the WW2 game. In the first part, you will have to either defend or attack to capture intel to bring it back to your base. This is basically a glorified version of capture the flag. However, each side has special equipment to help them. On the attacking side, you can equip yourself with Molotov’s to attack the defenders and grab the intel. While on the defense side you can pick up trip mines that a very effective to blocking off routes as there are three intel pieces to be stolen. In the next portion, the objective is to capture the objective to a room to then proceed to the final stage. This final stage is something very different as each team is placed into dogfights with a team deathmatch scenario. Personally, I feel like this stage needs a lot of work as the controls are very stiff and there is no way to dodge away from oncoming bullets. It’s extremely clunky but it was a good thought to introduce into COD’s multiplayer.

The new zombie map called The Shadowed Throne is a refreshing map that is well designed. The map reminds me of the Multiplayer map Aachen and it also reminds me of Black Ops One zombie map Kino Der Toten. This map is placed in Berlin and is a very dark and gritty map. Upon the first spawn, you will be placed in a sewer underneath the streets of what looks like the multiplayer map Aachen. As you progress through the apartments or the sewers you will get to the streets which has a decently large open space which is not common for zombie maps. Upon opening more doors on the right side of the map you will get a reference to Kino as you open up a destroyed theatre. Overall, the map is decent and I personally love the grittiness they have depicted of a war-torn Berlin street. Also, the new gun called the Wunderbuss is a fun gun to shoot at zombies as it drains the life out of them with a spread of darts.


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Spring 2018