We all know that Gulf Coast State College students receive discounts at the local Movie Theater and Taco Bell with the student ID. But did you know you can buy 1 dozen assorted donuts and get 1 dozen glazed donuts for $1 at Krispy Kreme? How about buying 1 regular priced Blizzard and getting 1 of equal or lesser value for $0.99 at Dairy Queen?

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You can take advantage of these offers and many more with the SGA Discount Card and your student ID together!

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How can you get an SGA Discount Card?

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The Student Government Association is giving these cards out to students as a reward for good deeds. These good deeds can include many activities, from having good grades, to volunteering your time for a good cause.

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For more information on getting your very own SGA Discount Card, that will save you money all around town, stop by the SGA Office in SUE.


Angela Small

Student Author - Fall 2017

I am currently a student of Digital Multimedia, and one of the many “Senior” students here at Gulf Coast State College. After living a full life, which included raising 5 children (and 7 grandchildren, to date), I finally had time and opportunity to do something that was just for me. I am an aspiring web designer that is deciding on the direction my career will take., while enjoying all of the different studies within the field. I have a million hobbies, which include writing, collecting dolls, crocheting, and crafting. I enjoy DIY projects with family and friends. Anything that involves creativity, I probably like.