Super Saturday is coming up! So to make sure you know where to go and what you need, we’ve created a little guide for you.


When & Where: The event starts at 9 am July 31st at the PC campus and 10 am July 31st at the Gulf/Franklin campus.

What is Happening: Come meet with our faculty members so we can make sure you have everything you need to get started this fall semester. We will have representatives from: advising, enrollment services, financial aid, student IDs, parking decals, student accessibility resources, Trio, veterans services, and of course the career development center.

What you need: Luckily for you, the $10 application fee has been waived for this event, so all you need to bring is a photo ID, a license plate number if you are getting a parking decal, and any questions you have about the college or any of the processes of getting started. If you want to save time, bring your transcripts and cut the line by making an appointment online!


For more information on Super Saturday, click the link below!

Matthew Hobbs

Student Writer - Summer 20201