Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Every year in the month of October, artists from around the world take on a daily challenge called Inktober. It is a social media based challenge where each day in October, willing participants are given a prompt for each day to draw with an ink medium.

It all started with an individual named Jake Parker who wanted to improve his ability in ink drawings and to promote daily drawing habits. People worldwide caught onto the trend and wanted to take part.

Inktober started in 2009 by an American illustrator Jake Parker who began posting his ink drawings on Instagram. Parker has a wide range of work spanning from picture books to popular animated films such as Dr Seuss’s Horton Hears a Who and Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Inktober did not provide daily prompts originally and the artist would post one drawing a day for the 31 days of October.

In 2011, Parker decided to tell a story with his drawings and have the plot unfold throughout the month. Presently, artists from around the world either follow the official prompt list, an unofficial prompt list provided by other sources, or just simply illustrating to tell their own story.

The objective is to stay consistent whether it be posting daily, every other day, weekly, or bi-weekly. The challenge itself didn’t become viral until 2013 and thousands of participants joined in and began the month long event that encourages discipline.

If you would like to join the challenge, it’s not too late! Follow @JakeParker or @Inktober on Instagram and follow the official prompt list for the corresponding day. If you’re feeling adventurous, follow your own ideas! Either way, you have the opportunity to create something great. 


Linda Page

Student Author - Fall 2017

Linda Page is a Senior at Gulf Coast State College and is pursuing her B.A.S in the Digital Media Program. She will be graduating in the fall and could not be more excited for what lies ahead. Linda decided to study Digital Media because she has a desire to pursue a career in the ever-growing technology field. Digital Media is so multifaceted and is perfect for someone who is interested in various aspects of technology like Linda. After graduation, she hopes to travel the world and find a job that suits her. In her spare time, she loves improving her photography skills, eat all the food she possibly can and binge watch netflix originals.