Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

We are now at the end of the semester and everyone is scrambling to make the grade. We’ve all been there: late night cramming, fried brains, and a ridiculous amount of coffee. To be a successful student requires focus and impeccable time management (we all try) but sometimes that is difficult to do. It’s okay! We’re only human but to stay motivated is key to surviving this long week of final exams and then we’re home free! That is until summer semester starts and the cycle begins all over again, but graduation will come faster than you know it. Here are five tips to surviving finals week:

  1. Get some sleep. You will not be able to put forth your best test-taking skills if you’re half asleep with dried drool on your cheek. You may think cramming a couple more hours in will help you come test time, but it actually hurts you more. A tired mind does not retain information very well and nor does it recall either. You would be staring at the easiest question in the world and your mind would be in a state of cymbal clapping monkeys.
  2. Set time aside for studying a week before the test. Your heart screams procrastinate but your mind says be smart. If you stretch out your studying time, the more effectively the brain will retain the info. Like I mentioned earlier, time management is important to being a successful student. I know what you’re thinking and we will all procrastinate anyways. It’s all part of the college experience; If you don’t panic over the lack of time you have to study, are you even in college? No? You must be a robot.
  3. Take breaks. Crazy talk, right? How can we as students take a break when this final accounts for 30 percent of our final grade? I said this before and I’ll say it again: fried brain. Don’t overwork your noggin right before the test! Fatigue will not help you at all. If you’re anything like me, you already have a headache from stress and trying to study or finish an assignment without a break will make it worse. Take about 10-30 minute break in between study or work and go outside. Do something small that relaxes you and takes your mind off of finals for a moment.
  4. Cut off social media outlets. Not forever, of course. Don’t even think about reaching for your phone to check Facebook and stop lying to yourself! You’re not looking at it for a minute because that turns into watching puppy videos on youtube for an 3 hours (I’m speaking from experience people).  Focus on the task at hand and that is passing your class! You can do it!
  5. Double check testing times. This is another one from experience. Make sure you check what time you will be testing for each class, and where it will be. My freshmen year at GCSC, I completely missed one of my finals because I misread the schedule. I assumed we would be taking the test at our regular class meeting times, but nope! I misunderstood by a long shot. Don’t be like me and always double check!

That being said, I hope everyone does fantastic on their exams and not long now until we can all enjoy our summer.


Linda Page

Student Author - Spring 2017

Linda Page is a Senior at Gulf Coast State College and is pursuing her B.A.S in the Digital Media Program. She will be graduating in the fall and could not be more excited for what lies ahead. Linda decided to study Digital Media because she has a desire to pursue a career in the ever-growing technology field. Digital Media is so multifaceted and is perfect for someone who is interested in various aspects of technology like Linda. After graduation, she hopes to travel the world and find a job that suits her. In her spare time, she loves improving her photography skills, eat all the food she possibly can and binge watch netflix originals.