I have interviewed three people to talk about their favorite kind of music genre or artist. Tyrell Robinson listens to many types of music like trap music BTS  , country, hip hop, pop, Electronic and Jazz. He is majoring for digital media and production for the technology center for Dr. Goines and Professor Jordan. Elezar Junior listens to Hip hop, Spanish and country music he likes listening to Post Malone and usually listens to music on daily basis just for fun  he says. Sam Bleakly likes listening to classic and modern rock bands and she likes listening to some Jazz music also. She says she listens to a rock band called MCR known as My Chemical Romance. She listens to her music on a daily basis while working or just for fun. The music genre Trap is a subgenre of hip hop music that originated in the Southern United States in the 1990s. BTS is a band and country is  a mixture of ballads and dance tunes played characteristically on fiddle, guitar, steel guitar, drums, and keyboard. Hip-hop music, also known as rap music and formerly known as disco rap, is a genre of popular music that originated in the Bronx borough of New York City in the early 1970s. Spanish music is often associated with traditional styles such as flamenco and classical guitar. While these forms of music are common, there are many different traditional musical and dance styles across the regions. There are many types of music all around the world listened to and spoken in many different languages. Many types of music uses different types of instruments many don’t use instruments either. Music is a universal human trait that goes back to at least 35,000 years ago. It still is used to this day but in many different ways sometimes without instruments and only with voice which is known as opera.