Photo by Faculty Focus


Students in college all know about stress and how much of a nuisance it can be to their mental health. Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree.

Can a certain number of classes affect this?

Most college students take roughly Four classes a semester, this the exception of some taking Five and others taking Three or less due to working while attending college. While a lot of students might be able to handle the work load, others might not be able to handle too much on their plate. Ranging from degrees certain courses need more attention for the work load while others not so much, its all about time management. Stress can also come from students signing up for classes and not keeping up with work causing them to fold towards the end of the semester trying to make up what they haven’t turned in (if the teacher allows it). Some students even realize this before the final days you can drop classes and end up taking a missing grade just to save them the time and struggle.

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Stress in early Covid 19:

back when Covid 19 first reared its ugly face into the media colleges started doing full online classes and required you to work from home. which caused a lot of students to drop out. “Of the 2.6 million students who started college in fall 2019, 26.1 percent, or roughly 679,000, didn’t come back the next year, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. That was an increase of 2 percentage points over the previous year, and the highest share of students not returning for their sophomore year since 2012. The dropout spike was even more startling for community college students, an increase of about 3.5 percentage points.” due to Financial problems and Stress of online courses. Many students require extra help with understanding a subject and online classes can be a bit rough with trying to get one on one time with a professor to help understand what they went over in class.

Purposely failing:

Some students even purposely stop doing work in classes because they cant keep up with the stress and end up deciding to try again the next semester when they can focus more on what that class need from them. The work load might be too much and they cant focus on more then a certain amount of work in one semester. As a student who takes Two classes myself and works a full time job I can say that I’ve been down this road and its not a good one. Time management is a key to helping this set aside a couple hours of your free time weather that be in a row or spaced out through the day it can help relive that stress and even cause a routine that helps improve your work management to get that extra weight off your back.


Chris Kuykendall

Keesley Walker