Since the semester is about to end and it’s going to be the end of this series of articles that I’ve been creating, I thought that it would be best to talk to students about their overall experiences with Covid-19 one last time. There have been many ways that Covid-19 has affected society in general including the population, how we conduct ourselves every day, where we go, and much more. There is also still much in the air about the United States getting another lock down within January too. So, with all this information I have presented to you, let’s get into some of the stories of each student I had the chance to talk to.

image by GOV.UK



So, one of the students I interviewed was Dee Tiebklang that told me that she hasn’t had much bad experience with Covid-19 but did still have some. She told me that so far, she had only known one person to show symptoms of having Covid-19 that she knows well. As for people within her workplace, she knew about a couple of people that were affected but not them too personally.

She did tell me that she does believe in masks and added by saying “I do think people should wear a mask since it is a respiratory illness and it can affect anyone. Specifically, older people since their health is more fragile than the younger generation. But what’s scary is that people might not know they have it, and it could be those who are close to you personally.”



The next student I had the chance to talk with was Nicole, which she had a great deal to say on the topic at hand. She told me that she had experienced many hardships that directly correlated to the Covid-19 Pandemic. One of the very first struggles she had was with the college by trying to adapt to online classes. She mentioned to me that although online classes were more convenient, she believed that in-person experiences with classes were more fitted to her learning style. She also added that she had many problems with the transition during the past spring semester.


When it came to the conversation of wearing a mask, she felt really strongly towards it. She said “I do believe people should wear a mask. I have two uncles that have just passed as well as three of my aunts on ventilators in the hospital at the current moment in time.” She continued “I think people need to understand that wearing a mask isn’t just for their own safety, but for the protection of those around them. I wear a mask because people around me have been negatively affected by Covid, and I believe people should take it more seriously than they are.”

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay



The last student I had the chance to talk to was Lucas Mcalister, who told me that his personal life has mostly been fine since the pandemic. He told me that he is an introvert and that they also live in the middle of nowhere, which was part of the reason why it hadn’t affected him that much. However, he explained that he did lose his job, which mainly involved face painting at one point that made him start searching for a new job.

As for education, he told me that it’s been really rough for him because he has ADHD. He would often find himself struggling and falling behind because of this. This was even made worse when they switch all classes to online only and he felt that if he messaged teachers that it would just sound like excuses.

Image by Mira Cosic from Pixabay

A Beginning To The End

At last 2020 and the fall semester are about to end. This year has been one of the most stressful ones for me having to worry about the pandemic and going to college at the same time. I have had to go through many of my own struggles along with the other people I have interviewed because of the pandemic. One of them is just communicating with people even when far away and still investing in each other lives. However, I am still very much optimistic about the future and that next year will be better. So, if you have made it with me this far, thanks for reading. I will see you guys next year!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


Jakob Monroe

Student Author - Fall 2020