Eric Riley April 16, 2018

Song of the Day

I know I can

Be what I want to be

If I work hard at it

I’ll be where I want to be 


Welcome back GradHackers, and people who just come to listen to me rant on about my life and my experiences. I hope you all are having a wonderful day today and have had a good week since my last post. I come to you today with anxiety, wonder, and worry. All of the things that come to mind for me when thinking about how close I am to graduation. Why aren’t you excited? Some of you may ask, but the answer to that is simple; the real world is scary. That’s not to say I’m not prepared for the journey I want to go on, but to go from living at home to moving out and finally getting a “Real Job” as they used to call it is a big transition. It’s definitely not one I’m taking lightly, nor should anyone. Taking the leap from when you finish school to finding a job and starting the rest of your life is a big moment for everyone. So, I know I’m not alone when I say I’m a little nervous when I think about going out and taking on the responsibilities that life throws at you. That’s not to say I’m not excited because I am, but we’re all aloud to want to scream every once in a while in terror. Before we get into taking that leap together we have something important to talk about. Walking the stage at graduation. You’ve made it! All your classes are done and it’s time to walk the stage, but do you walk it? Coming from a person that sees my bachelors degree as a stepping stone and not my end goal I wonder, but at the same time it’s a big accomplishment not many people can say they’ve done; so I should treat it that way, right?

Coming from a family where education is the number one priority in the household, it seems like a given, but at the same time I’m iffy on it. I’ve had my opinions on walking, but my sister always tells me; “You should walk, I didn’t walk and I regret it; I didn’t have any friends to walk with me so that’s what made me change my mind. In your case you might not have friends graduating with you, but that’s not the point. Getting your degree in anything is great and you should be proud, walk it or else.” All I can think to myself is, what is this one of those family sitcoms where the older sister has her fist up with a nasty look on her face and I have to do what she says or I’ll have to pay the price. (haha) Taking into consideration what my sister had to say, I wanted to walk. Plus I didn’t want to find out what the or else meant. Also, it didn’t help that my mother told me I needed to walk the stage, we can’t disappoint mom. Overall like I said I’m excited but nervous, it helps having a support system at home and at school pushing me in certain directions. Sometimes you need that kick in the butt or slap on the side of the head. You need to be reminded that you’re doing something great, because sometimes you get lost in the work. Recently I found myself looking at my homework and just thinking OH MY GOD, WHEN WILL THIS END? PLEASE SAVE ME. Yes that’s probably over dramatic, but when you’ve been a full time student for four years straight out of high school you get drained. Physically and mentally; especially mentally. I’ve had enough of the papers and projects, I’m just ready to be done so I can feel like I can breath again. I know you all know that feeling I’m talking about.

Just to review through this mess of a post and me getting lost in my thoughts; walk the stage. Maybe you’ll be walking with me, I can sign autographs for the fans I don’t have it’ll be awesome! Graduating from college is not something that is easy to do. Millions of people try and fail, but if you can stick it out and finish your degree, be proud of yourself! Celebrate! You’ve done the hard work of long nights of studying, writing papers up until the last second that it’s due, and telling your friends you can’t go out because you have to do homework. You deserve to be recognized for all the sacrifices. I know I do. I’m going to walk the stage with my head held high, my cap fixed right on my head and my gown pressed to impress. It’s our day. Don’t be the person that regrets not doing it. With that being said I’m going to leave you all with some feel good inspirational music to get you in a good mood and motivated to walk that stage with pride! Brought to us by Kool & The Gang – Celebration.

About The Author

Eric Riley

Student - Spring 2018