The Golden Bough, 2020, Oil on linen, 84″x104” – Image Property of Lauren Woods.

What is Invocation?

The Invocation Art Show, held at Gulf Coast State College’s Amelia Center Gallery, ran from September 8th to October 6th. Many of the works showcased are from the artist Lauren Wood’s own Mystic Nature collection.

“I base my painting practice on intuition and discovery, gradually uncovering themes and imagery through lived experience, dreams, and collected influences.” – Lauren Woods

More of her work is available at this link. 

What Did I Learn?

The Art Gallery project was a great experience. The gallery itself was fun to see and I thought it was pretty impressive. One thing that I immediately realized was that the camera I had chosen was fairly heavy and I was going to have a tough time getting stable shots without a tripod and that was frustrating because I didn’t want a lot of static shots. As for the editing process, I’d say the part I struggled with the most was working around having to rely so heavily on stabilizing the footage. It was tough in itself to get the stabilization to look great and when I started stacking other effects on top of it I would often run into issues. Overall though, I really enjoyed the experience and I’d say the key lesson learned this time around would be to plan your shots and choose equipment accordingly. I would have saved a lot of time and gotten better footage if I had taken the kind of shots I would be doing into account and gone with a lighter camera.

Tyler Daugherty

Student Writer - Fall 2023