Ahhhh Brownies!

Brownies are the tasty treat everyone needs every now and again! They are the little pick me ups in our everyday lives. They come in many different varieties, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, peanut butter, fudge, swirl etc.! You can even add some toppings or mix ins, like oatmeal, nuts, and some berries. Remember the best brownies are the ones you love to eat!

Plain Jane Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate brownies come in many shapes and sizes. Most people make the regular milk chocolate or fudge chocolate brownies. You do not have to stick to the basics though, you can spice it up by using dark chocolate for a more intense flavor!

Milk Chocolate:

These will have a lighter flavor (not as intense chocolate flavor)! I recommend making some hot cocoa to drink with them!

Dark Chocolate:

The dark chocolate brownies will have an intense flavor profile! Dark chocolate is not as sweet compared to other chocolates. Adding some expresso powder (cannot stress this enough!) to the recipes will really make the chocolate flavor come out! Eat these with a glass of cold milk (dairy or nondairy)!

Mix Ins

The best part about brownies is that they are so versatile!  You can add many different things to them to add to their flavor profile! My personal favorite would be peanut butter! Anything with peanut butter added is a win for me. You can also add nuts, chocolate chips (any kind!), oatmeal (this paired with a peanut butter topping!), and fruit (raspberry).

Peanut Butter:

You can mix in the peanut butter when pouring the batter into the pan! That will give you delicious bites all throughout the brownie. You can even make a peanut butter flavored frosting to add to the top. Since I recommended the oatmeal and peanut butter mash up, I would mix in the oatmeal for texture and make a peanut butter topping to go with it!


Fruit, you need to be carful about, some things just don’t go well together! I recommend raspberries! I’m sure there are others out there but that will be up for you to experiment or to research!


Nuts make a great addition to almost any desert. You can really add any kind you want, almonds, pecans, peanuts, etc.   

Time To Eat!

All that is left to do is find a good recipe from the internet or maybe one past down in your family and make it! So, preheat the oven and get to mixing up your ingredients. Don’t waste any more time waiting around, the brownies won’t bake themselves! Do not forget to make yourself a drink to go along with your delicious brownies.


You can mix and match what you drink with your brownies, but some drinks with pair better with certain brownies! Coffee, hot cocoa, milk, etc.! A drink or no drink, whatever you decide I’m sure you will enjoy your brownies. 

Click here to see drink ideas!