A Royally Good Anime! đź‘‘

Ranking of Kings (or Ousama Ranking) is a Fall 2o21 anime based on the web manga by Sōsuke Tōka and animated by WIT Studios (the studio that used to do Attack on Titan).

The story follows Prince Bojji, a small, deaf child set to inherit his father’s place as king (despite the overwhelming lack of support from his citizens). With the help of his newfound friend Kage, a small, shadow-like bandit who is moved by Bojji’s cheery disposition, he’s ready and willing to become the strong leader of the country he longs to be. However, training to become king isn’t the only thing Bojji has to worry about, for within the walls of his castle, a sinister plot is being hatched to bring his kingdom and his family to ruin.

This anime is one that quickly steals your heart. Bojji’s big-hearted personality is so endearing, and his struggles feel so real that you can’t help but fall in love with him. The story also does an excellent job of pulling you in with its mystery. Each episode reveals bit by bit that there’s more to this cute little fantasy world than meets the eye. The animation is smooth as butter as well and fits TĹŤka’s cute, storybook-like artstyle perfectly. Paired with the painted backgrounds, it’s almost reminiscent of a Studio Ghibli film.

If you’re a fan of deceptively cute animes, I would recommend you watch this one. (and if you’re not convinced yet, listen to this opening cause it is đź‘Ś)