Ashly Burch returns to the Borderlands franchise as Tiny Tina in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, due to be released on March 25, 2022. The spinoff is based on the DLC Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon’s Keep from Borderlands 2, where Tina was played a game of Bunkers and Badass’s (A parody of dungeons and Dragons within the Borderlands universe) with her friends to deal with the loss of Roland’s death. Roland was the main character from the first three titles released in the series. The pre-purchase currently retails $59 for the base game and $79 for the Chaotic Great Edition.

Though we may not have complete details on what the game will offer, the devs have given us a lot to investigate with the latest trailer released. The second release video can be viewed here:

The first thing they reveal to us is an Easter egg reference to dungeons and dragons. Right away, we see there is a missile stuck in the side of a bean-stalk that says, “Magic Missile.” Then we see a completely new look chest and NPC’s fishing instead of just walking in circles like the previous games. Next, we see a statue of Butt Stallion, the mythical beast that gets rescued in the last DLC. Next, we get a glimpse at a new mushroom enemy and then immediately get a glimpse of what appears to be a giant 20-sided die that the character melees and has the chance to drop legendary weapons. We then peak at what seems to be a snake summon spell and another unnamed horned enemy. They also introduce an area that looks Egypt-themed.

They do give us two playable character drops. The first is the Stabbomancer, a stealthy knife-wielding sorcerer who manipulates the weapon named Ghost Blade. The character also deals more damage when in stealth mode just like in dungeons and dragons. The second character, the Brrr-Zerker by name alone points to an ice manipulating warrior. We see that the character wields an ice ax. They also have an attack called Dreadwind, which spins the character in circles. We can take away that there is extreme knockback damage from this attack. The very last thing we see is a person falling infinitely through two portals in the sky. Not sure what to take away from this, but it looks cool.

We can hope that they implement character creation the way dungeons and dragons is played in real life. However, at this point, this is just speculation. One other thing that we can walk away with is that Tina does appear to be grown. Tina is not so tiny anymore, and I’m not sure that we will get flashbacks of a younger version. With that being said, we can establish a timeline of being right before or around the same time as Borderlands 3 takes place. I know that Tiny Tina has been a favorite character of mine for a while now and I too am excited to see what Gearbox has in store for us this time around.


Kristopher Yates