Esports on the Rise

Some video games have tried to tackle the professional sports aspect of things or quite a while now. Nowadays, esports, competitive gaming, has seen massive growth in the last couple of years. Multiple professional leagues have started up, which has led to the rise of many talented young gamers. Leagues such as OWL (Overwatch League) and CDL (Call of Duty League) have gained much traction over these last few years and have made many kids wanting to be professional gamers. With esports now being so big, colleges are now starting to pick up on the trend.

NACE’s Impact on College Esports

National Association of Collegiate Esports was formed in 2016 to help pave the way for esports at a collegiate level. They are collaborating with colleges to lay the groundwork for eligibility, the path to graduation, and competition & scholarships. Since its creation back in 2016, the NACE is now the largest association of varsity esports programs at universities all across the United States. According to an article post by Forbes, the NACE has helped over 170 colleges create varsity esports programs. In addition, they are offering around $16 million a year in scholarships.

Many colleges are now taking note after seeing what the NACE has accomplished. An article posted by CheckpointXP states that many colleges are already in the planning stages to create their own eports programs. Schools like the University of Arizona, State Fair Community College, and Southern Illinois College have all started making their own esports teams.

From Clubs to Arenas

With esport’s rapid growth, colleges across the US have adapted their locations to suit the soon-to-be competitive gamers better. While some schools have treated esports as clubs where students have to bring their equipment, others have made full-on gaming arenas.

The Forbes article previously mentioned states that the University of California at Irvine (UCI) is the first-ever college to make a whole arena dedicated to esports. Mark Deppe, UCI’s Acting Director of Esports, says, “Esports is the future of competition. Period.” Again, furthering the point that esports is on the rise at the collegiate level. 

To conclude…

Esports has piqued college’s interests over the last few years. As each year goes by, more and more are adding this sport to their campus, thus piquing the interest of many gamers. It is now only a matter of time until esports is a necessity to any college campus. 

About the Author

Ryley Curry

Student Author - Fall 2021