Gulf Coast State College is committed to the safety of our students, employees and the community. In this time of need the Business & Technology Division is using its resources, typically reserved for student learning purposes, to facilitate the production of face mask kits to help flatten the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak.

High-speed carbon fiber cutting equipment, housed in GCSC’s Advanced Technology Center, will be used to cut the sheets of fabric, which has been donated by Parthenon, a local fabric store. To date, there has already been enough fabric cut to produce over 1,100 masks. Each kit will contain materials to sew 21 face masks and will also include instructions for folding the masks to help with the assembly and sewing process. Once the kits have been assembled, they will be delivered to JOANN Fabrics in Panama City where they will be distributed.

For additional information, please contact Katie McCurdy at (706) 830-6973 or