Once again as a precursor as a precursor for this review me and my best friend love watching horror movies. Our favorite horror movies are ones that are so bad that they are good. This review will be mostly train of thought and not go too heavy into the details of the film more of just my thoughts on the film.

Haunting on Sorority row was one heck of a movie, but I don’t think it was for the reason it was intended. A classically features a group of dumb college students. We find our protagonist moving into a new house to live in while they’re attending college which has a suspiciously low rent. It turns out the rent is this low because some terrible atrocities happened in this house. The owner of a house I think was supposed to be made scary in the film but she just look like a white Suburban mom. The acting in this film isn’t very good but it added to the comedy. The film barely features any scenes that are even supposed to be scary until the last few minutes. The ghost that haunts the house has terrible makeup and a terrible wig, maybe if I saw that in my house in real life it would be scary but not scary in the context of this film. The film of course ends with a dumb twist has do every dumb horror movie that I’ve ever watched. If you love making fun of bad things than this is the movie for you I can’t wait to watch the second one and see if they can be any worse.

About The Author

Caleb Watford

Student - Fall 2019