Here is once again a precursor to this short review. My best friend and my favorite type of movie is horror especially if it’s bad. Because it’s either going to just be bad and still fun to make fun of it or it’s going to be so bad it’s.

Gehenna is a weird movie. From the shore trailer that is shown before it on Netflix it look like it might be a pretty creepy film, but once you get into it it’s not at all. It’s basically about a crew of people whose job it is to scope out some land for a new resort on a island. Wow looking at this area they find a bunker and decide to go in. They soon realize they are trapped in the bunker and then run into a grotesque almost zombie looking man. The rest of the film is a bunch of weird time-warp stuff and some not so scary scares. The film of course and with a dump twist like every bad horror movie does. I wish I could say that it was at least fun to watch but it was just kind of boring. There were a few moments throughout that were fun to make fun of and that initial shot of the old man from the beginning was pretty creepy but overall I think I would say. that this movie isn’t really worth the watch. Unless you like really slow really boring not really scary horror movies.


About The Author

Caleb Watford

Student - Fall 2019