Photo by Mateo on Unsplash

Destiny 2 has been a fresh installment of a franchise I’ve loved since it came out. I played the alpha of destiny 1 and the beta’s for both games and it’s been a good experience. However, with each start of a new Guardian there is always the tedious climb to go from level 1 to level 20. Then on top of that get your light level up high enough to do the nightfall strike challenge. Then grind the nightfall out till you have decent enough gear to take on the raid. So with the basics what I found on how to get from level 1 to level 20 the fastest is to constantly do public events. Public events are very frequent and when I was playing there was always a large amount of players doing the events as well. Once the public event is done you are guaranteed a rare item depending on your level. With each new weapon or armor I picked up, I would  equip the highest light and level to then boost my chances on the next event. However, this is not easy as you will be constantly switching play styles with different gun loadouts. Once you feel comfortable with your level you can then finish the story missions to help boost your level as well. It is extremely important to finish the campaign as you will not get a sparrow till after it is finished. At this point you want to save every encrypted engram you find till you get to light 265. The encrypted engrams will scale their light as you scale yours. Once you hit the soft cap at 265 light you will no longer get better equipment from doing public events. You will now have to rely on milestone completions, nightfalls and the raid to boost your light level. Also you can do exotic quests and find legendary engrams to boost your level. Personally it took me around 3 days worth of playing to get my light level to 267. It will be interesting to see how much higher light I can get by next week.


Drew Christmas

Student Author - Fall 2017