Today, people are injected with over 72 vaccines by the time they are 18. The number is only on the rise. With so many new vaccines up and coming how can we, the people, be sure that they are safe? Well the internet is a very helpful source in determining that. When you ask google if vaccines are safe, just about the entire first page of results that come up really focus on the benefits of vaccinations and don’t really talk about the risks of vaccines. So, what are the risks? Well first, let us take into account that “Prior to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, Vaccine Manufacturers were being successfully sued for damages caused by their products. The Pharmaceutical Lobby persuaded Congress to pass this law that grants them COMPLETE IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY. After passing the NCVIA, Vaccine Manufacturers began ramping up production of Vaccines. Autism Rates have seen a steady increase clearly in relation to the increase in the vaccine schedule.” ( So ever since NCVIA was passed, vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability. That is a huge red flag! Most vaccines contain a disturbing number of ingredients that are toxic and dangerous. Some of these ingredients are known as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, GMO ingredients, and antifreeze, but that’s not even half of the list. These substances have been found to harm humans, so why are they in vaccinations? No safety testing or studies have been done on these ingredients, which are known neurotoxins and carcinogens. No safety testing has been done on the effects of combined vaccines, multi-dose vaccines, or even on the effect of multiple boosters either. “No studies have been done in long-term double blind placebo based manner, which is the gold standard for scientific inquiry. In fact, the pro-vax science is heavily skewed by pharma influence, and the CDC does only “reactive” studies.” (

Vaccines are legally defined as unavoidably unsafe.

Check the supreme court ruling for yourself here:

The exact negative effects of vaccines may not be certain, but the autism rates have soared from 1 in 10,000 in 1990 to 1 in 68 today. It’s up to you to decide whether the positive effects of vaccines are worth the potential risks, but you deserve to know the very real dangers of vaccines.


For more information go to: (source of image and information)

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About the Author

Andrew Fullington

Andrew Fullington

Student - Spring 2017